Thursday, October 20, 2011

No more technology, just a good book and a glass of beer.

I have been doing a lot of reading and meditating lately.  I love it.  Alone with my thoughts or even just a book that makes me think can do wonderful things for the brain.  There are times when I want the companionship of others but a glass of ice tea or a beer and a good book that makes me think while I am reading on the door step in the fall air can be quite nice.
Lately I have really thought about technology.  I know there are lots of things out there that I don't understand about technology and it can make much of our lives easier.  I just recently tried this bill-pay thing and it looks really slick.  No more giving out my account numbers or anything and that means more secure.  I like that.
In a world of twitter, facebook, and instant gratification though I have lately found myself shying away from technology.  I don't take as much pleasure from the fastest of speeds and instant updates.  I am not even playing video games as much.
Yes, I realize the irony of the fact that I am online blogging on my laptop computer as I write this!
I have friends that can't go a day without their phone.  They are always on it.  I have colleagues that check facebook during their lunch break because they love the site that much.  I have friends that use twitter religiously.  I am not saying that any of these people are bad people or wrong for what they are doing.  There is nothing wrong with any of that.
I am just saying that it might not be for me right now.
For all the "stuff" I have in my life I take pleasure from a good Donald Miller book and something to drink while I read it.  It is those times I am not worried about being socially acceptable, about having the right computer, the right car, the acceptable body type, about being good looking, or even being showered.  I just have a time to enjoy nature and my thoughts and God's messages to me.  I love it.
I know that people are going to say this is just a phase and they are probably right.  Isn't being human about wanting more?  It seems that we are hardwired that way so we will always want what we see that is shiny and new or fancy.
But for now I just seem to want the simplicity.  Maybe I should have been a hippie for a while....... lol
I can go through life right now enjoying beauty, love, and God's majesty and right now it is enough.
p.s. - Grandma Johns, I love you and hope you are enjoying heaven.  We will miss you but we know you are in a better place.
RIP Grandma 1920-2011.

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